Xcel Energy Selects Comptek Technologies’ 4G/5G CityPole® for Dual-Use Streetlight Program

BOULDER, Colo. (Jan. 23, 2020) – As the number of mobile users increases, wireless telecommunication carriers around the country are moving quickly to expand their wireless networks. CTIA estimates more than 800,000, 4G and 5G small cell sites are on the horizon for the U.S., which will result in new infrastructure included in the protected community right-of-way. Comptek Technologies, a leader in smart poles and wireless infrastructure solutions, announced its CityPole® was selected for Xcel Energy’s Dual-Use Streetlight Program. Comptek Technologies collaborated with Xcel Energy to integrate features specific to the needs of utility providers. CityPole® meets the technical needs of utility providers and wireless carriers while preserving the architectural, lighting and aesthetic qualities of communities. CityPole®, the industry’s first fully concealed smart pole, enables Xcel Energy to bridge the aesthetic and functionality divide affecting the pace of wireless deployment. Unattractive and prominently displayed wireless infrastructure in the right-of-way is an aesthetic and safety concern impeding the permit approval process. The Xcel Energy Dual-Use Streetlight program provides wireless carriers an opportunity to co-locate their wireless equipment in an existing streetlight location and significantly reduce time to deployment.

“Xcel Energy is at the forefront of the collaboration between utilities and the wireless carriers to make smart cities a reality,” said Mike Hoganson, COO of Comptek Technologies. “Integration of streetlights and small cell equipment into one pole mitigates pole pollution and clutter of the right-of-way, while offering carriers a secure location to deploy small cell technology.”

The CityPole® smart pole is Xcel Energy’s internal-mounted option, providing an optimal environment for wireless, backhaul, IoT Technologies (Internet of Things), and utility meters. The solution conceals 4G and 5G equipment by replacing an existing single-use streetlight pole with a fully concealed smart pole equipped with lighting.

The CityPole® smart poles deployed by Xcel Energy are specific to the needs of Xcel Energy and their communities. The decorative shrouding and architectural details of the CityPole® are selected based on local community aesthetics. The light attachment mount is universal to the extensive portfolio offered by Xcel Energy. Design details include:

  • Universal meter bay
  • Separate disconnects for Radio Frequency (RF) and power
  • Cable management
  • Mounting solutions for a radio unit or city banner flag attachments
  • The CityPole® solution is expandable for multiple radio arrays and future IoT technologies
  • Connectivity with the major providers of 4G and 5G radios, antennas, and AIR (antenna integrated radios) including Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung

Every CityPole® is designed to comply with Telecordia GR-487 (General Requirement) and ANSI/TIA-222 (Telecommunications Industry Association) and AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

About Comptek Technologies and CityPole®

Comptek Technologies, a member of Aero Wireless Group, transformed the wireless industry with the introduction of CityPole®. Today, the company leads the industry in innovation with the first fully-concealed and purpose-built 5G smart pole. Comptek’s CityPole® smart pole is a municipality preferred solution for small cell infrastructure in the right-of-way and offers wireless carriers easy configurability, serviceability, and seamless flexibility. More than 1000 CityPoles® are located throughout the Rocky Mountain region, concealing wireless equipment for Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint. Comptek Technologies’ employees provide unparalleled engineering, manufacturing and service.

Media Contact:                    
Kristie Kidder
Aero Wireless Group
(303) 549-2604